Brain and Mind Laboratory

Understanding how intelligent systems work

Yong Sheng Tan (陳榮勝)  M.Sc.

Doctorial Student


I obtained my BSc (Hons) Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM). As part of my UNM degree, I spent a year abroad at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (UoN). Thereafter, I finished my MSc Psychology (specialisation Cognitive Neuroscience) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands (UM). Upon graduation, I embarked on my PhD studies at TIGP-INS.

Research Interests

I am interested in investigating the neural manifestations underlying cross-cultural differences in cognitive phenomena. At the Brain and Mind Laboratory, I utilise neuroimaging (e.g. fMRI, ERP) and psychometric methods to elucidate the complex neuro-functional-structural operations that mediate observed cultural biases in cognition.

Perhaps we are (dis)similar in more ways than not?

My first-hand experiences studying in four countries (Western, East Asian, Southeast Asian) has exposed me to my fair share of cultural shocks, ranging from exciting, insightful to downright embarrassing. These episodes and the wonderful people I known and befriended along this passage has undoubtedly incited my interest in the diversity of cultures across the globe. One thing is for sure, advancements in communication technology has turned many people into global citizens, inhabiting a world where information can be shared globally. This new era of communications can pose problems (e.g. disinformation, fake news etc.) if not properly understood. Therefore, a thorough and sincere understanding of both what makes us tick and what irks us is crucial in fostering better relationships.

Yong Sheng Tan
Taiwan International Graduate Program
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience PhD (TIGP-INS)
Academia Sinica & National Taiwan University

Previous Work

  1. Bachelor’s Thesis (UNM): “It’s in My Hands: Influence of Enclosed Environments on Perceived Control” (supervised by Dr Eun Hee Lee, Ph.D. University of Cambridge, UK)
  2. Master’s Thesis (UM): “Does One Plus One Equal Two in Taste?”– Investigating Attentional-Modulation Effects in Gustatory Perception of Bimodal Tastes (supervised by Dr Lars Hausfeld, Ph.D. Maastricht University, NL)



Tel: +886-2312-3456 ext. 288068


Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University College of Medicine
Section 1, No. 1 Ren-ai Rd, 12th floor, Rm 1245
Zhongzheng District, Taipei 10051, Taiwan